Machine Cleaned Welcome to Fu Dalu Agricultural Products Trading

Machine Cleaned - Normal Grades

Streaky Two

Name : Streaky Two

Alpha-Numeric Code : S-S2

Extracted From : Next to the outer leafsheath

Fiber Strand Size : 0.20-0.50

Color : Light ivory to very pale brown with very red or very light purple streaks

Stripping : Excellent

Texture : Soft

Streaky Three

Name : Streaky Three

Alpha-Numeric Code : S-S3

Extracted From : Outer leafsheath exposed to the sun

Fiber Strand Size : 0.20-0.50

Color : Light brown to dark red or light purple with occasional streak of very light green

Stripping : Excellent

Texture : Soft


Name : Current

Alpha-Numeric Code : S-I

Extracted From : Inner and middle leafsheath

Fiber Strand Size : 0.51 to 0.99

Color : Light to very light brown

Stripping : Good

Texture : Medium soft

Soft Second

Name : Soft Second

Alpha-Numeric Code : S-G

Extracted From : Same leafsheath that produces grade S-S2

Fiber Strand Size : 0.51 to 0.99

Color : Light brown with occasional streaks of very light green

Stripping : Good

Texture : Medium soft

Soft Brown

Name : Soft Brown

Alpha-Numeric Code : S-H

Extracted From : Same leafsheath that produces S-S3

Fiber Strand Size : 0.51 to 0.99

Color : Brown to dark brown, Intermixed with substantial portion of fiber with lighter colors In some, color approaches black

Stripping : Good

Texture :


Name : Seconds

Alpha-Numeric Code : S-JK

Extracted From : Inner, middle and next to outer leafsheath

Fiber Strand Size : 1.00 - 1.50

Color : Light dull brown to dingy light brown or dingy light yellow with occasional streaks light green

Stripping : Fair

Texture :

Medium Brown

Name : Medium Brown

Alpha-Numeric Code : S-M1

Extracted From : Same leafsheath from which S-H is obtained

Fiber Strand Size : 1.00 - 1.50

Color : Brown or nearly black

Stripping : Fair

Texture :

Machine Cleaned - Residual Grades

Residual Fine

Name : Residual Fine

Alpha-Numeric Code : S-Y1

Consists of : weak, stained, discolored, and/or soiled fiber

Otherwise graded as :S-EF, S-S2, S-S3, S-I and S-G

Residual Fair

Name : Residual Fair

Alpha-Numeric Code : S-Y2

Consists of : weak, stained, discolored, and/or soiled fiber

Otherwise graded as :S-H, S-JK and S-M1


Name :String

Alpha-Numeric Code : S-O

Consists of : Made up of strings and twisted or knotted strands of hand-stripped abaca fibers

Otherwise graded as: Ordinary handmade cords used for tying hanks, bales and binding bundles of loose ungraded fibers


Name : Tow

Alpha-Numeric Code : S-T

Consists of : Less than 60cm in length

Otherwise graded as: Consists of abaca tip cuttings, short, tangled and broken, resulting from sorting during the process of classification